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How You Help Us​

Our goal is to help the community of Bloomington, IN by providing different resources for those in need. With help from donors, donations have been able to provide food, clothing, transportation services, and other events that are suggested by the community to provide resources for families and children. Cry of the children is currently trying to find a more permanent location to continue its programs and provide children with educational items and support.


For all mail donations please send to 540 South Curry Pike, Bloomington IN 47403


Apply for Kroger’s Community Rewards and Enter Cry of the Children, Inc. #GH705 or just enter Cry of the Children, Inc.

Our Impact

Flint, MI Water Donation​

On February 3, with the help of our partners, the Salvation Army, we quickly set up a community drive to collect drinking water. We are extremely proud to report that we were able to collect almost 2 tons of drinking water to “answer the cry of other children” and their families in Flint, MI.

Parent Help​

Cry of the Children helps mediate and be an advocate for parents in school. By attending conferences with parents at a child's school, we aim to provide a way to help that child in our program if they are having difficulty in the classroom.

Thanksgiving Meals​

Around Thanksgiving, Cry of the Children hosts a Thanksgiving meal for the community. Volunteers will roast turkeys, whip mashed potatoes, or serve guests, working side by side to feed those in need within our community.

Other Ways to Help​

Clothing Donations​

Clothing donations have been given in the past to help children and people of the community in need. Items have consisted of school clothing, basketball shoes, backpacks, and sports equipment. We do not turn down items and appreciate all donations provided. 

Become a Partner​

Becoming a partner with Cry of the Children provides support for our programs and help us maintain and hold different events. Please contact Dellsie Boddie for more information regarding becoming a partner with Cry of the Children. 

Board Member​

We are looking for board members to help us continue our immersive programs to help children express their creative talent. We are actively seeking sustainable organizational funding and have recently secured space to house our programs! 

Cry of the Children Inc.


About Us

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Our Programs


(812) 361 4059
540 S Curry Pike
Bloomington, IN 47403

Website created by the Laurie McRobbie Serve IT Nonprofit Clinic © 2022 All Rights Reserved

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